Switching Grids in FRS Studio

FRS stands for Financial Reporting Studio used for developing Financial Reports like Income Sheet, Balance Statement..

If there are multiple Grids in the Report, to move between grids, use Bring to Front and Send to Back options

Here we have 2 grids, to get Grid2

Go to Format > Bring to Front

After clicking it

Now to move the grid back

Select  the Grid and go to Format, click on Send to Back


After clicking on it,

Drill Through in FRS

Drill option in FRS is used to navigate from FRS Report to Account Inspector or Detail Balances to check transactions.

Steps to select Drill Option

Step-1: Hide task bar

To do this, right click on task bar, go to task bar settings

 Click on Automatically hide the task bar in desktop mode

Step-2: Now go to FRS Studio, select grid. Now we can find Drill Through option on right side bottom corner ( in Grid Properties - General)

Expand All Option In FRS

Expand All is used to expand all rows in the Report when expansions are placed. When Expand All option is chosen and once all expansions are expanded , we find Collapse All option to close all expanded rows.

Steps to select Expand All in FRS Studio:

Step-1: Hide Task Bar

To do this, right click on task bar, go to task bar settings

 Click on Automatically hide the task bar in desktop mode

Step-2: Now go to FRS Studio, select grid. Now we can find Expand All  option on right side bottom corner ( in Grid Properties - General)

Add Barcode in oracle fusion Reports

 Hi Everyone, In this post let us see how to add Barcode in Oracle Fusion RTF Templates and setups to be done to reflect in the report outpu...