Scheduling a Report

Scheduling a Report

Today we will see some of the tabs present in the Scheduling page of a Report.

To schedule a report, in Analytics Home page go to 

New > Report Job  or select the report > more > Schedule

First tab on this page is General Tab

First option is Report, here you can see the path of the report or you can select a report using search icon.

Second important in this page is Parameters, if your report has parameters it will be shown here. you can enter values for those parameters or can have default values.

Next tab is Output 
Output tab is where output formats, destinations like FTP, Email can be mentioned.

First check box is Use Bursting Definition to Determine Output & Delivery Destination. This option is automatically populated if your report has bursting query defined already. 

Next is Save Date for Republishing. This option is used for printing output from Report Jobs History in required formats.

Next important part is Output, here you specify different types of output based on different combinations of layouts, formats, locale.

Save Output option here is a check box which is used to see output from Report Jobs History page.

Last is Destination, where we can define delivery location, path, file name at destination or email ids based on the type of the destination

Next will be continued in the next post..

OTBI - Filters Vs. Selection Steps

 OTBI - Filters Vs. Selection Steps

Hi Everyone,

This is a small post explaining differences between Selection steps and Filters in OTBI Reports.

OTBI stands for Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, an analysis tool and low code approach to develop reports for real time data.

It provides us with numerous options, today we will discuss one of those:


Filters are used to limit data based on the requirement like we want to see particular item data or particular state and so on..

We can compare Filter to Where Clause so first filters are considered then query will be fired.

Selection Steps:

Selection Steps are different from Filters.

We can compare Selection Steps to Having Clause.

They affect only field but not values.

And Selection steps can be applied to Dimensional Data like Attributes, Hierarchical Columns, Groups and Calculations but not Measures.

Data appear in the order they are selected in Selection List.

How to check Oracle Documentation related to Soap Webservice

 Soap is used for testing Webservices related to Oracle Fusion

So, we have a option to check WSDL link in Oracle official documentation as well. Let us see how to navigate...

 Search for and I am choosing Financials module

Goto All Books option present on left side on the screen

Search for SOAP Web Services for Financials and click on HTML

Expand Business Object Services

Expand Payables Invoice

In the above screenshot, we can see Service WSDL which can be used for testing. In this WSDL link replace servername with Fusion instance url

There will be many in columns in the Request, to know which column is used for what purpose, we have Description column. For an example opening Invoice Header

Scroll down a bit to see Attributes where we can see columns and their description

Installing SOAPUI

 SoapUI is used for testing Webservices for Oracle Fusion.

Follow the steps to install SoapUI

Step1: Download latest version from official website. I am choosing Windows

Step2: Run .EXE file
Step3: Click Next on the Welcome screen.
Step 4: Choose folder to install
Step 5: Choose components to be installed
Step 6: Accept agreement and Click Next
Step 7: Choose folder for installing SoapUI Tutorials and Click Next on all the upcoming screens

After Installation done, click Finish

Thats it. We completes the installation

Creating an OTBI Report - OracleFusion

 OTBI stands for Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. OTBI Reports are very useful to users who don't have knowledge on coding since it involves drag and drop functionality.

We can easily place filters and switch between different types of report outputs like Tables, Graphs and much more...

Let us create an OTBI Report..

Open Reports and Analytics Page, go to New and select Analysis

Select required Subject Area. Subject Area contains data specific to a business object 

For example, let us take Payables

After Selecting Subject Area, the following page appears

In the above page, we have columns related to that business objects organised in terms of respective folders. Expand the folder and start drag the required columns into Selected Column Pane

After Dragging all the required columns, we can see data in Results tab

Add Barcode in oracle fusion Reports

 Hi Everyone, In this post let us see how to add Barcode in Oracle Fusion RTF Templates and setups to be done to reflect in the report outpu...