In this post, we shall see how to access reports and analytics page and some options in it
Open Fusion instance,
This is the home page
Click on Browse Catalog
In this post, we shall see how to access reports and analytics page and some options in it
Open Fusion instance,
This is the home page
Click on Browse Catalog
In this post let us see what is Seeded Report in Oracle and customization of seeded report.
Seeded Report: Already pre-defined reports are provided by Oracle
Where can we see these reports: These reports can be seen from "Reports and Analytics page" and in "Shared Folders".
There will be folders for each module where we have corresponding Seeded Reports.
If we need to make any changes to these seeded reports like adding few more new fields or removing some columns, make changes to templates.
To do all these changes, we need to place the report in "Custom Folder" under "Shared Folders" since we should not directly make any changes in Oracle Provided reports.
The process of copying the seeded report and its data model to Custom Folder is called Customization.
Where to place the report in Custom Folder: When we do this process Oracle automatically places the report in Custom Folder. In custom folder, if already that module folder exists it will get placed into it or else folder for the module and all other required folders will be created.
Let us see the steps:
Step 1: Go to "Reports and Analytics" page
URL will be similar to this when you are accessing this page: fusionurl/analytics/saw.dll?bieehome
fusion url means instance url.
Change this url to fusionurl/xmlpserver , press enter
Click on Catalog
Go to Shared Folder > Procurement > Purchasing
Click on More > Customize
That's it done. Now Report will be placed in Custom Folder > Procurement> Purchasing
Go to fusionurl/analytics/saw.dll?bieehome and check the path.
For datamodel from fusionurl/analytics/saw.dll?bieehome, you can copy from the Shared Folder > Procurement> Purchasing > Data model and paste in Custom Folder > Procurement> Purchasing > Data model.
Now you can do required changes in the report and data model
Hello Everyone,
This short post is regarding exporting custom roles in Oracle Fusion.
Note: We cannot export "Data Security Policies" through this method.
This will be useful to export Function security policies, other custom roles, duty roles and other roles added to it.
Step 1: Go to Login > Setup and Maintenance
Adding Banner in Fusion Instance
with few simple steps, we can add Banner in Fusion Instance.
Banner is nothing but "A message displayed at the top of the Instance"
Example : You are using Prod Instance
Adding Banner
Login to Application > setup and maintenance> Tasks> click on search
Generally in any report we see the output after saving the report. Issue is like if any changes has to be reverted it will be difficult, so FRS provides us options to preview data without saving the report.
We can see the output in either HTML format or PDF Format.
HTML Format:
Open any existing report
goto File > HTML Preview.
This opens report output in a new window.
goto File > PDF Preview.
This opens report output in a new window.
Hi Everyone,
In this post let us see opening FRS Web Studio.
This is online tool that can be opened from Fusion Instance itself.
Step1: Login to Fusion and open Navigator
goto Others > Financial Reporting Center
FBDI stands for File Based Data Import
FBDI can be used to load data in large volumes.
It is an offline application.
To get an FBDI template, follow these steps
Search for Oracle Fusion Financials FBDI templates > open the following link
Hi Everyone, In this post let us see how to add Barcode in Oracle Fusion RTF Templates and setups to be done to reflect in the report outpu...